Operation Aussetzen

2021-02-03 2156 (3 months before Operation Percontor)
Outskirts, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan

Combined joint operation between:
Iota-10 “Dam Feds” Agency 81 “TOC” (DUO)
Tau-44 “Phalanx” Detachment 2 “Legion” (PLAT)
████████ ██████  “Dawn” (FT)

At 1234 on 25/01/2021 Office 54 of MU-3 confirmed that an ex-site security officer “John Kingston" is now a black market anomaly dealer working out of Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan.

Agency 81 using their status as local police have observed that Kingston set up in the industrial district north of Nur-Sultan in a compound with at least 10 armed guards and another 15 unknowns. They have confirmed that Kingston has SCP-██████ in his possession and plans to sell it at the beginning of next month.

Due to a suspected █████ cell being involved O4 has been authorised to use SCP-██████ as bait for the buyer and requested ████████ be present for take-down to provide tactical support and specialist assistance for the cell and ██████. Due to the recent instability of the city, Tau-44 has been assigned instead of Nu-7 to execute the take-down with ████████ and recover SCP-██████.

Operation briefing:
Legion will set up along the south-southeast side of the main compound where Kingston's office is located, ████████ will set up in the north and set up a duo team as over-watch. T.O.C. will set up operations command out of an abandoned police lock up 400 meters north of A.O.

All teams are to conceal themselves and keep their distance to avoid spooking the buyer.

Teams are to wait until both SCP-██████ and the buyer are personally identified at which point teams are to move to Phase 2 of operation and converge on the compound in all directions. Operatives are to eliminate all persons except the buyer who is to be detained.

Once SCP-██████ and the buyer have been secured, all Tau-44 and ████████ teams are to move to “LZ Tapir” 25 north west of A.O. and extract via ███████.


████████ “ICE” ██████ (DAWN) <FROM RADIO>:
“Legion Actual, this is Dawn Zero-Two, we’re nested at over-watch. We got a view of the main road and the north side of the compound.”

CO1.Jean “Tombstone” Livingston (Legion Actual) <TO RADIO>:
Rog, any sign of the buyer?

████████ “ICE” ██████ (DAWN) <FROM RADIO>:
Negative, not from our position.

CO1.Jean “Tombstone” Livingston (Legion Actual) <TO RADIO>:
Roger. Legion Out.

O1. Hector “Helper” Whitmore:
Drone is up!

OE. Jadon “Tofu” McPherson:
Who the fuck buys a skip anyway? Fuckers gotta know we’ll find them eventually...

CO1.Jean “Tombstone” Livingston (Legion Actual):
When we get the buyer, maybe you can ask him.
What have you got?

O1. Hector “Helper” Whitmore:
Not much... Some kids staying up past their bedtime.

CO1.Jean “Tombstone” Livingston (Legion Actual):
Lets hope that's all that's wrong with tonight...

SO3. Emilis “Seagull” Stevenson (Legion 1.1) <FROM RADIO>:
Actual, this is One, we got a militia technical to the west - it's moving north up the road.

CO1.Jean “Tombstone” Livingston (Legion Actual) <TO RADIO>:
Is it gonna be a problem?

SO3.Emilis “Seagull” Stevenson (Legion 1.1) <FROM RADIO>:
(3 seconds of silence)
Negative - its turning left, moving west bound.

CO1.Jean “Tombstone” Livingston (Legion Actual) <TO RADIO>:
Jesus, ‘Gull! Don’t give me a friggin' heart attack. Out.

OE. Jadon “Tofu” McPherson:
(Under breath) Dumbass...

OA. Ubaid “Hood” Robin:
You would know..!

OE. Jadon “Tofu” McPherson:
Lookin’ to get your ass beat, Hood-

████████ “ICE” ██████ (DAWN) <FROM RADIO>:
All call-signs, be advised, three times armored and armed SUV, black, moving toward us along the main road, and a BTR-90 close behind, over.

O1. Hector “Helper” Whitmore:
He’s not wrong, they got minigun hatches and that BTR is keeping its distance... but it's following them.

CO1.Jean “Tombstone” Livingston (Legion Actual) <TO RADIO>:
Acknowledged, Dawn. All teams, get set for Phase 2 - those SUVs got nests, we got a BTR as well, so prep AT.
(After a short pause)
TOC, this is Legion, be advised - we got eyes on the buyer's convoy. He’s approaching now, but he’s got armoured SUVs with minigun nests and a BTR. Requesting any available air support in the area. Over.

AC1.Kali “Twenty-Two” Fharsci (TOC) <FROM RADIO>:
We copy, Legion, but this is Kazakhstan during a civil war. We are the only Foundation personnel with enough time to think. We could request a drone from Nu-7 but it’s going to take time. Is it really necessary? Over.

CO1.Jean “Tombstone” Livingston (Legion Actual) <TO RADIO>:
TOC, we got AT4s against a BTR-90 and we’re not gonna have a shot when they enter the compound. If they turn their guns on us too early this becomes a shit show then a chase, over.

AC1.Kali “Twenty-Two” Fharsci (TOC) <FROM RADIO>:
Okay I’ll see what I can do, out.

████████ “ICE” ██████ (DAWN) <FROM RADIO>:
All call-signs, convoy pulling off of the highway, over.

O3. Tracy “Crows” Brookes (Legion 1.2) <FROM RADIO>:
Actual, this is Two, it looks like the last car is carrying something heavy... Back end is visibly lower than the front, over.

CO1.Jean “Tombstone” Livingston (Legion Actual) <TO RADIO>:
Can you see what it is? Over.

O3. Tracy “Crows” Brookes (Legion 1.2) <FROM RADIO>:
Negative, windows are blacked, over.

CO1.Jean “Tombstone” Livingston (Legion Actual) <TO RADIO>:
Copy, out.


████████ “ICE” ██████ (DAWN) <TO RADIO>:
All call-signs, Convoy pulling off of the highway, over.

(radio communications in background)

████ “HEAT” ██████:
Rock, set the AMP.

███████  “ROCK” ████:
Prepped. Won’t be able to hear anything till the car stops.

████ “HEAT” ██████:
Rock, I know how an AMP works man.

███████  “ROCK” ████:
Just saying, don’t be impatient like you usually are.

████████ “ICE” ██████ (DAWN):
Cut the chatter-

██████ “GUST” ███████:
-boss, they're pulling in NOW-

████████ “ICE” ██████ (DAWN) <TO RADIO>:
All call-signs, SUVs entering the compound. BTR-90 is static at the main road watching the compound. Legion, if you try to move from your current position you're gonna take heavy fire, over.

CO1.Jean “Tombstone” Livingston (Legion Actual) <FROM RADIO>:
TOC, this is Legion, BTR is looking right at our ingress path - we NEED that air support, over!

AC1.Kali “Twenty-Two” Fharsci (TOC) <FROM RADIO>:
Doing our best - standby. Out.

O3. Tracy “Crows” Brookes (Legion 1.2) <FROM RADIO>:
Christ, Actual - we’re not Detachment 1! It's not gonna be much of an raid if we all end up KIA!

CO1.Jean “Tombstone” Livingston (Legion Actual) <TO RADIO>:
No shit, Crows - wait for the drone!

██████ “GUST” ███████:
SUVs static.

████████ “ICE” ██████ (DAWN) <TO RADIO>:
All call-signs, standby for PID of HVT and VIP, over.

███████  “ROCK” ████:

(audio interference, doors opening and closing)

SUV Hostile #3 <LR AMP>:
Find a gap and fill it.

SUV Hostile #2 <LR AMP>:
Spread out!

John Kingston <LR AMP>:
Where is Mr. Rome?

SUV Hostile <LR AMP>:
He will be along shortly, I’m to verify the product. I’m sure that won't be a problem?

John Kingston <LR AMP>:
(uncomfortable sigh) Fine…

████████ “ICE” ██████ (DAWN) <TO RADIO>:
Legion, Dawn - armed hostiles filling in the security, all directions, buyer is not on site at this time. I repeat, buyer is not here, over.

CO1.Jean “Tombstone” Livingston (Legion Actual) <FROM RADIO>:
TOC, this is Legion, buyer is not on site at this time, over.

AC1.Kali “Twenty-Two” Fharsci (TOC) <FROM RADIO>:
(sigh) القرف (shit), Okay, if the SCP begins to move out of the compound, you are cleared to engage, over.

CO1.Jean “Tombstone” Livingston (Legion Actual) <FROM RADIO>:
TOC, we need that drone to do so, over.

AC1.Kali “Twenty-Two” Fharsci (TOC) <FROM RADIO>:
Closest drone is being rerouted from a previous operation. It's 5 minutes away but it’s almost bingo fuel and ammo - you’ll have a five minute coverage window, over.

CO1.Jean “Tombstone” Livingston (Legion Actual) <TO RADIO>:
Are you fucking kidding me, TOC?

AC1.Kali “Twenty-Two” Fharsci (TOC) <FROM RADIO>:
It's the best you're gonna get Legion. Out.

██████ “GUST” ███████:
Targets entering main office.

███████  “ROCK” ████:
Engaging x-mag.

(2 minutes pass)

John Kingston <LR AMP>:
I think you’ll find everything is in order.

SUV Hostile <LR AMP>:
Has it been activated?

John Kingston <LR AMP>:
No - as I explained to your boss, I don’t test them. I authenticate via documentation and I facilitate sales. I don’t have a death wish.

SUV Hostile <LR AMP>:
May I?

John Kingston <LR AMP>:
No, you may not. I want my money and you out of here before you zap yourself to oblivion… Speaking of which. Where is Mr.Rome with my money?

SUV Hostile <LR AMP>:
He’s running a bit late, should be here any moment.

<a few moments of silence>

John Kingston <LR AMP>:
Th... There is no Mr. Rome, is there...

SUV Hostile <LR AMP>:
(chuckling) ...No- (pause)

██████ “GUST” ███████:
(quietly) What the fuck?!

SUV Hostile <LR AMP>:
(pause resume) -afraid not

(Suppressed gunshot)

██████ “GUST” ███████:
Boss! He’s looking right at us through a wall!

████████ “ICE” ██████ (DAWN) <TO RADIO>:
All call-signs! We’re made-

(radio distortion) <#1 now found to be an embedded message of some kind>

Unknown <FROM RADIO>:
(Arabic accent) Ladies and gentlemen, it has been quite the riveting listen, but I'm afraid we’re running behind schedule. So let's just skip to the main act.


Unknown <FROM RADIO>:
(Arabic accent) Ladies and gentlemen, it has been quite the riveting listen, but I'm afraid we’re running behind schedule. So let's just skip to the main act.

AC1.Kali “Twenty-Two” Fharsci (TOC) <TO RADIO>:
Unknown call-sign, identify your-

(Distant gunfire and explosions)

AA1. Kaleb “Twenty-Seven” Vorkuta:

AC1.Kali “Twenty-Two” Fharsci (TOC):
اللعنة! (Fuck!)

████████ “ICE” ██████ (DAWN) <FROM RADIO>:
(shouting) TOC, this is Dawn! We're under fire from the BTR! Where is that fucking drone?!

AC1.Kali “Twenty-Two” Fharsci (TOC) <TO RADIO>:
Dawn, be advised, the Drone is still 2 minutes away, over.
<To “Twenty-Seven”>:
اللعين اكتشف أين تلك الطائرة بدون طيار! (Find out where that fucking drone is!)

AA1. Kaleb “Twenty-Seven” Vorkuta <TO RADIO>:
Disciple, this is Amethyst, forces are being engaged by armor are you in any position to engage?

O3.Garry “Frost” Brown (Disciple) <FROM RADIO>:
Amethyst, drone is still forty Ks away - we could fire, but it's unlikely we’ll be able to hit with our limited munitions, over.

AA1. Kaleb “Twenty-Seven” Vorkuta <TO RADIO>:
When will you be able to fire a semi-reliable shot? Over.

O3.Garry “Frost” Brown (Disciple) <RADIO>:
Amethyst, drone should be able to fire in thirty seconds but you should notify your team of danger clo- break.
(a distant screech can be heard)
Amethyst, be advised, the drone is seeing a large yellow beam of light coming from the sky, over.

CO1.Jean “Tombstone” Livingston (Legion Actual) <FROM RADIO>:
TOC, this is- (distortion, then static)

<Rapid footsteps can be heard running toward recorder>

AC1.Kali “Twenty-Two” Fharsci (TOC) <TO RADIO>:
Legion, TOC, how copy, over?

SO3. Emilis “Seagull” Stevenson (Legion 1.1) <FROM RADIO>:
TOC, this is Legion One-One, be advised, Actual and One-Two just got hit by a fucking beam of light, fucking buildings got vaporized or - (shouting) look the fuck out! (static)

O3.Garry “Frost” Brown (Disciple) <FROM RADIO>:
Amethyst, be advised, the drone just picked up another large yellow beam of light coming from the sky, over.

████████ “ICE” ██████ (DAWN) <FROM RADIO>:
(shouting) TOC, this is Dawn, Legion just got wiped out! We gotta bug out, NOW!

O3.Garry “Frost” Brown (Disciple) <FROM RADIO>:
Amethyst, Disciple is set for a fire mission, over.

AA1. Kaleb “Twenty-Seven” Vorkuta <INTO RADIO>:
Disciple, targets are compound at grid zero-three-two tack one-seven-six, and BTR north-northeast of that along the main road, over!

O3.Garry “Frost” Brown (Disciple) <RADIO>:
Roger Amethyst, targets acquired. Firing three times remaining ATGM, over.

AC1.Kali “Twenty-Two” Fharsci (TOC) <INTO RADIO>:
Dawn, drone is engaging the BTR and the compound, ABORT mission and proceed to the extraction point. We’re gonna burn the ops cent-


████████ “ICE” ██████ (DAWN):
(shouting) Get the fuck out! Get back to the car, NOW!

AC1.Kali “Twenty-Two” Fharsci (TOC) <FROM RADIO>:
Dawn, drone is engaging the BTR and the compound, ABORT mission and proceed to the extraction point.
(a distant screech can be heard)
We’re gonna burn the ops cent- (static)

████ “HEAT” ██████:
(shouting) Shit, that was TOC's position!

████████ “ICE” ██████ (DAWN):
(shouting) Stop fucking TALKING and MOVE-

(multiple explosions heard coming from the compound and road)

(10 seconds of rapid movement, mixed in with inaudible yelling)

(engine starting, revving loudly, doors rapidly opening and shutting)

██████ “GUST” ███████:
Go, go, go, go, go, GO!

(engine straining at max power)

(glass breaking, followed by supersonic cracks)

██████ “GUST” ███████:
Ah! 他妈的! (Fuck!) I’m hit….

████ “HEAT” ██████:
Shit! I got you, brother!

███████  “ROCK” ████:
Hey… Hey! We’re being followed - LOOK OUT!

(rapid, sporadic snapping)

(inaudible yelling, engine straining)

(more sporadic snapping)

(return gunfire)

(weak grunt)

(short, muffled impact, followed by car horn)

(engine revs loudly)

████████ “ICE” ██████ (DAWN):
(shouting) Shit!

(rapid movement)

(tire screech, followed by horn stopping)

████████ “ICE” ██████ (DAWN):
Fuck! Rock is down! Who else is hit?

(no response)

████████ “ICE” ██████ (DAWN):
Fuck..!  Fuck, fuck, fuck!

(distant engine revving, followed by loud impact)

████████ “ICE” ██████ (DAWN):

(unholstering side-arm, gunfire, tire screech)

(sound of a pin being pulled)

(loud impact, rapid movement)

(brakes straining)

(distant explosion)

(30 seconds of muffled movement)

(engine picks up)

████████ “ICE” ██████ (DAWN) <TO RADIO>:
Any station, this Dawn Zero-Two transmitting in the blind, our op sec and comms have been compromised, we need immediate extraction, over!

CO1.Jean “Tombstone” Livingston (Legion Actual) <FROM RADIO>:
I’m sorry…

(radio distortion) <#2 now found to be an embedded message of some kind>

████████ “ICE” ██████ (DAWN) <TO RADIO>:
Legion, this is Dawn, how copy?
Legion, how copy?

(Static resolves into a readable radio signal)

SO3. Leupold Rice (Prophet) <FROM RADIO>:
Dawn Zero-One, this is Prophet, do you read me? Over.

████████ “ICE” ██████ (DAWN) <TO RADIO>:
Prophet I read you, I need immedaite extraction - I’ve got three men down and a squad out in the wild that just broadcasted on this net, over!

SO3. Leupold Rice (Prophet) <RADIO>:
Dawn Zero-One, this is Prophet, we haven't heard any other radio transmissions other than your own, over.

(moment of silence)

(distant tire screeching)

████████ “ICE” ██████ (DAWN):
(quietly) Fuck it, sorry Legion.
Prophet, we are moving to LZ Tapir at this time.

SO3. Leupold Rice (Prophet) <FROM RADIO>:
Roger Dawn, Prophet is beginning descent, what about your lost squad? Over.

████████ “ICE” ██████ (DAWN):
Disregard, Prophet, it was probably OPFOR fucking with our comms again. Dawn out.


Iota-10 Agency 81 Agency Intelligence Officer (AIO)

On 2021-02-03 at 2156 hours, Operation Aussetzen commenced in the outskirts of Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan. The operation involved MTF units Iota-10, Tau-44 and ██████. At 2210, Operation was aborted by TOC due to an almost immediate decimation of all forces.

Unfortunately we were not able to learn much, but we did manage to confirm that the ████████ is involved as evidenced by a piece of technology only ever previously employed by the █████ ██████████ and that they are continuing down alternative routes to secure SCPs. We have also found message codes embedded in the audio recordings listed, we do not know how it relates yet.

Whilst we lost SCP-██████ it still remains a █████ priority as ████████ will need 7 other pieces of it to necessitate ██████ priority, 4 of which are secured in Foundation sites  ████████████████████████████████ and ████████. For now, ████████ will take over the investigation.

Iota-10 agents “Twenty-Seven” and “Twenty-Two”, along with building debris and their comms equipment, were recovered 50km north. All objects and bodies recovered resemble that of similar items dropped from 10km high. At this current stage the bodies of Tau-44 personnel have not been recovered, but have been declared killed in action (KIA).


Internal memo from Iota-10
"Upon reviewing the audio from the helmet cam footage and slowing it down, the strange radio distortion appears to be a frequency that can be translated into numbers."

Hidden Audio FREQ: 1

Hidden Audio FREQ: 2


Declared KIA:
CO1.Jean “Tombstone” Livingston
OA. Maxime “Subway” Delgado
O3. Usmaan “Cipher” Warren
OV. Kole “House” Power
OV. Harvie “Deep“ Whiteley
OE. Zhane “Coral”  Bright
OJ. Claude “Flowers” Baker
OA. Bartosz “Kung-fu” Lee
OA. Geoffrey “Roach” Buchanan
OA. Remi “Peasant” Nichols
O3. Tracy “Crows” Brookes
O1. Hector “Helper” Whitmor
O2. Marissa “Trapper” Wolfe
O3. Hashir “Warrior” Nixon
OA. Christos “Brad” Mccarthy
OA. Lemar “D-day” Abbott
OA. Ubaid “Hood” Robin
OE. Jadon “Tofu” McPherson:
OE. Yehuda “Devil” John
SO3. Emilis “Seagull” Stevenson
SO1. Ishaq “Cobalt” Corbett

Confirmed KIA:
AA1. Kaleb “Twenty-Seven” Vorkuta
AC1. Kali “Twenty-Two” Fharsci
██████ “GUST” ███████
███████  “ROCK” ████


For maximum effect: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4O7zJerNhHI

Security camera #76, Firing range 4 (Memorial Range)

It is with a heavy heart today that I share news of the deaths of “Legion” team; death being a word we all have taken for granted.

I won’t sugarcoat it, we all know what we do here, and what we have become - but THESE brave men and women, in the face of unfavourable odds, choose to refuse our new abilities... and still serve.

I objected at first, but as Bright Night continued and our desperation grew, they defied the odds over and over. I began to feel as some of you did, that maybe it was they who got the gift….

But I see now that they used all their luck for us, to keep the world safe from harm.

As is our tradition, their names will be inscribed on the wall of this range - so that even as the years of training go by, their sacrifice, and the sacrifice of all of our fallen comrades, will never be forgotten...

Hoplite! Present, Arms!



(succession of gunfire)


(metal parts clicking and ringing)


(succession of gunfire)


(metal parts clicking and ringing)


(succession of gunfire)

At Ease!
